What is Sensory Play?
Sensory play, self-stimulating behavior, or “stimming” are all terms used to describe a group of behaviors seen in many delayed children. It is repetitive, it often appears compulsive, and it can occur using any of the senses. Parents usually describe it as something that doesn’t seem quite right.
Hearing, Learning and Listening: the role of auditory function in academics and everyday life.
Great confusion exists today in the areas of analysis of auditory function. This confusion exists because of errors in the methods used to analyze and diagnose these problems. What is commonly used today is a symptomatic label such as ADD, ADHD, dyxlexia, learning disabled, visual or auditory processing problems, CAPD, mentally retarded, autistic, PDD, ODD and so forth. It is our experience that all of these labelled individuals have some problem with auditory function.
Phonics vs. Sight Reading:
the most important piece of information you need to know
The controversy between Phonics and sight reading has been a long standing argument, with phonics usually winning out in homeschool circles. But, despite a strong stance in favor of phonics, many parents find themselves at a standstill in terms of their child actually being able to learn the phonics and then read. It is fine to stand up for phonics, but if you can't make it work, then it is time to learn more in-depth about the brain that processes phonics.
Read more: Phonics vs. Sight Reading: the most important piece of information you need to know
Sound Therapy for Children with Down Syndrome
Children with Down Syndrome often have speech and language problems. Neurodevelopmentalists have a very different approach to these problems than the normal therapeutic route.
Since these problems are developmental, neurodevelopmentalists look at these problems as opportunities for improvement. With appropriate stimulation (given the fact that the brain is very plastic and function can be changed) the root causes of developmental problems can be address. By addressing causes, much progress can be made.