Teaching techniques...


Train Them Up...
Practical and Godly Discipline for the Special Needs Child

Child discipline and training is a complex issue and when the child in question  has learning difficulties/special needs, that issue becomes much more intricate.  It is often difficult to distinguish between immaturity and  resistance, between innocence and defiance, between inability to reason and  indifference.

Teaching Babies

The neurodevelopmental approach to learning has given much hope to those with learning, speech, mobility and academic problems.  By providing specific stimulation to eliminate sources of inefficiencies, function has been improved in all areas, labels have been defied, IQ's have changed and learning has been accelerated.


Behavior In Special Needs Children:
What are our standards? What does the Bible say?

I think the worst day in our lives was the day we realized our son had autism. That first year following the diagnosis was a dreadful year of confusion, swirling in a sea of intense urgency and overwhelming grief. I’m positive that without the goodness and wisdom of our God, my husband and I would have surely drowned in that wild, black, torrent.

Using A Reinforcement System: Building a Positive Token Economy With Tangible Rewards.

Neurodevelopmentalists have discovered that without an effective reinforcement system progress with auditory and visual sequential processing will be slow or non existent.  Thus, it is very important to understand the factors which make an effective reinforcement system and to implement these consistently in your home program.